Add movie_finished notification varia... was created by Christopher Stawarz
Tuesday Jul 06
ticket -
plist for MWServer is not installed by default was updated by Christopher Stawarz 01:29 PM ticket
Stimulus::drawInUnitSquare takes a StimulusDisplay as an argument, possibly unnecessarily was updated by Christopher Stawarz 01:28 PM ticket
mw::SchedulerTestFixture::testPeriod10HzNoPayloadChaffX4 fails more often than not was updated by Christopher Stawarz 01:28 PM ticket
EyeWindow pegs the CPU even when idlewas updated by Christopher Stawarz 01:26 PM ticket -
MoviePlugin tests crashwas updated by Christopher Stawarz 01:23 PM ticket -
Update editor definitions for ITC-18 was updated by Christopher Stawarz 01:22 PM ticket
Update editor definitions for ITC-18 was updated by Christopher Stawarz 12:44 PM ticket
Update editor definitions for ITC-18 was created by Christopher Stawarz 12:41 PM ticket
Don't change existing _id attributes when saving experimentswas updated by Christopher StawarzTuesday Jun 29
ticket -
Don't change existing _id attributes when saving experiments was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Monday Jun 28
ticket -
Don't change existing _id attributes ... was created by Christopher Stawarz 01:55 PM ticket
CppUnit can't catch it's own exceptions was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Wednesday Jun 23
ticket -
Large stimulus display delays with NVIDIA 9400M on external displaywas updated by Christopher StawarzTuesday Jun 22
ticket -
Removed unused movie_stats and error_... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 04:57 PM changeset
EyeWindow pegs the CPU even when idlewas updated by Christopher StawarzWednesday Jun 09
ticket -
Reworked EyeWindow so that it uses a ... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 03:17 PM changeset
MoviePlugin tests crashwas updated by Christopher StawarzTuesday Jun 08
ticket -
Updated MoviePlugin to use new dynami... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 03:39 PM changeset
Removed "m" prefix from MoviePlugin c... was committed by Christopher Stawarz
Friday Jun 04
changeset -
Updates for Stimulus API changes http... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 01:51 PM changeset
Update full-screen OpenGL setup code for 10.6was updated by Christopher Stawarz 12:50 PM ticket -
Insignificant change to Xcode project... was committed by Christopher Stawarz
Thursday Jun 03
changeset -
Header reordering for glew compatibil... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 05:29 PM changeset
Support building against the latest I... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 02:32 PM changeset
MoviePlugin tests crash was created by Christopher Stawarz
Tuesday Jun 01
ticket -
Stimulus display blacks out upon loading new experimentwas updated by Christopher StawarzFriday May 28
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Stimulus display blacks out upon loading new experiment was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Thursday May 27
ticket -
Stimulus display blacks out upon load... was created by Christopher Stawarz 02:33 PM ticket
Offer installer option to archive current installwas updated by Christopher StawarzMonday May 24
ticket -
Installer should automatically create setup_variables.xml if it does not already existwas updated by Christopher Stawarz 07:06 PM ticket -
Installer defers to existing copies of appswas updated by Christopher StawarzThursday May 20
ticket -
Server console reports meaningless message timeswas updated by Christopher Stawarz 02:40 PM ticket -
Reconsider where to store configuration, data, and cache fileswas updated by Christopher StawarzTuesday May 18
ticket -
When Client launches Server, it can find MWServer.app instances in places other than /Applications/was updated by Christopher Stawarz 12:37 PM ticket -
0.4.4 was updated by Christopher Stawarz 12:35 PM milestone
0.4.4 was created by Christopher Stawarz 12:33 PM milestone
When Client launches Server, it can f... was created by David Cox 07:05 AM ticket
Obscure memory bug in iluScaleBilinear2D_ (DevIL 0.6.8) was updated by David Cox
Monday May 17
ticket -
Obscure memory bug in iluScaleBilinea... was created by David Cox 04:23 PM ticket
Obscure memory bug in iluScaleBilinear2D_ (DevIL 0.6.8)was updated by David Cox 04:23 PM ticket -
Memory stomping bug in EventCallbackHandler::unregisterCallbackswas updated by David Cox 04:21 PM ticket -
Throwing SimpleException with a "subject" argument leads to bad accesswas updated by David Cox 04:21 PM ticket -
Throwing SimpleException with a "subj... was created by David Cox 03:50 PM ticket
Obscure memory bug in iluScaleBilinea... was created by David Cox 03:15 PM ticket
Memory stomping bug in EventCallbackH... was created by David Cox 03:14 PM ticket
User accessible/understandable version numberwas updated by Christopher StawarzFriday May 14
ticket -
Link MATLABWindow against libMWorksSt... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 05:57 PM changeset
Drop support for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)was updated by Christopher StawarzThursday May 13
ticket -
Dropped support for Mac OS X 10.5 htt... was committed by Christopher Stawarz 07:15 PM changeset
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