Christopher Stawarz
Streamline IODevice base class
was created by Christopher Stawarz
Monday May 03
ticket - Drop support for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) was created by Christopher Stawarz 12:26 PM ticket
Support namespaces for plugins
was created by Christopher Stawarz
Friday Apr 30
ticket -
Large stimulus display delays with NVIDIA 9400M on external display
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Thursday Apr 29
ticket - Server console reports meaningless message times was updated by Christopher Stawarz 01:50 PM ticket
- Server console reports meaningless me... was created by Christopher Stawarz 01:50 PM ticket
Figure out how best to handle 32-bit-only plugins
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Tuesday Apr 27
ticket - Update full-screen OpenGL setup code for 10.6 was updated by Christopher Stawarz 04:12 PM ticket
- Update full-screen OpenGL setup code ... was created by Christopher Stawarz 04:09 PM ticket
External display flicker under OS X 10.6.3was updated by Christopher Stawarz 04:06 PM ticket