Christopher Stawarz
Add binomial random variable function to expression parser
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Monday Sep 22
ticket - Add binomial random variable function... was created by Christopher Stawarz 10:57 AM ticket
Folders of variables should display as expandable groups in variables window
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Tuesday Sep 16
ticket - 0.6.0 was created by Christopher Stawarz 09:43 AM milestone
- Folders of variables should display as expandable groups in variables window was updated by Christopher Stawarz 09:42 AM ticket
Protocol and task system with same name crashes server
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Monday Sep 15
ticket - Protocol and task system with same na... was created by Christopher Stawarz 10:14 AM ticket
Expose array and dictionary-style values in variables
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Tuesday Sep 09
ticket - Truncation and Type declaration versus Type Inference for Defaults was updated by Christopher Stawarz 11:25 AM ticket
- Support editing array/dictionary values in variables window was updated by Christopher Stawarz 11:25 AM ticket