Christopher Stawarz
Record display's actual refresh rate in event file
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Tuesday Aug 09
ticket -
Consider alternatives to Scarabwas updated by Christopher Stawarz 09:59 AM ticket - Finish component reference was created by Christopher Stawarz 09:36 AM ticket
- Finish component reference was created by Christopher Stawarz 09:35 AM ticket
- 0.7.0 was created by Christopher Stawarz 09:35 AM milestone
- 0.7.0 was created by Christopher Stawarz 09:32 AM milestone
- Improve server's network configuratio... was created by Christopher Stawarz 09:32 AM ticket
Add a text stimulus
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Wednesday Jul 20
ticket -
Support custom pause and stop screens
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Wednesday Jul 13
ticket - Support custom pause and stop screens was updated by Christopher Stawarz 02:39 PM ticket