Christopher Stawarz
was created by Christopher Stawarz
Wednesday Jun 06
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Python bridge: registering callbacks too quickly leads to dropped eventswas updated by Christopher StawarzTuesday Jun 05
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Python bridge should automatically terminate running script on client closewas updated by Christopher StawarzThursday May 31
ticket - Python bridge should automatically te... was created by Christopher Stawarz 11:36 AM ticket
Allow failed assertions to stop experimentwas updated by Christopher StawarzTuesday May 29
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Allow failed assertions to stop experimentwas updated by Christopher Stawarz 11:38 AM ticket -
Add "stop experiment" actionwas updated by Christopher StawarzThursday May 24
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Make the pause button do something useful
was updated by Christopher Stawarz
Wednesday May 23
ticket - Python bridge: registering callbacks too quickly leads to dropped events was updated by Christopher Stawarz 09:58 AM ticket
- Python bridge: registering callbacks ... was created by Christopher Stawarz 09:57 AM ticket